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What's Blueprint?

Blueprint is a framework for writing reusable and testable HTML templates in plain Crystal, allowing an oriented object approach when building web views.

class Alert
  include Blueprint::HTML

  private def blueprint
    div class: "alert alert-success" do
      h4(class: "alert-heading") { "Well done!" }
      p { "Nice message here" }
<div class="alert alert-success">
  <h4 class="alert-heading">Well done!</h4>
  <p>Nice message here</p>

Why use Blueprint?

The benefits of using Blueprint to build HTML templates:

  • Pure Crystal: One of the biggest benefits of using Crystal is its syntax, and using Blueprint you can take advantage of this syntax when building HTML.
  • Oriented Object Programming: Blueprint makes it easy to create sustainable code, breaking web views in small pieces, encapsulating logic in its specialized views classes, following best practices principles, eg. Single responsability.